BTS: Lunch for Children's Clothing Drive
This March, we started a new project to raise money for our organization’s efforts in Kenya, providing meals for children. In our most recent clothing drive in March, Lunch for Children collected donated clothes from schools and team members to sell through an intermediary, called Just Between Friends (JBF).
Our team of 3-4 high school students sorted through the items, organized them by size, added brief descriptions, and prepared them for sale. We had some challenges appropriately pricing our clothes and getting accustomed to the process. However, this entire process was very educational for the entire team and developed our organizational skills and teamwork, preparing us for future endeavors. After tagging and sorting all the clothing, a few of our parent helpers dropped them off at the JBF sale in Issaquah.
In the end, our team sold 26 items out of 79, raising a total of $121 after JBF’s cut. Despite the numbers seeming very modest, the team felt super accomplished with the turnout, especially considering it was an entirely new experience for all of us. In our next clothing drive in May, we will harness our new skills and motivation to be even more successful!
Stay tuned for more updates on our future endeavors.
The Lunch For Children team
今年三月,我们启动了一个新项目,为我们组织在肯尼亚的工作筹集资金,为儿童提供膳食。 在我们三月份最近一次的募捐活动中,“儿童午餐” 从学校和团队成员那里收集了捐赠的衣服,并通过名为 Just Between Friends (JBF) 的中介机构出售。
我们的团队由 3-4 名高中生组成,对这些物品进行分类,按大小进行组织,添加简短的描述,并准备出售。 我们在为衣服适当定价和适应这个过程方面遇到了一些挑战。 然而,整个过程对整个团队来说非常有教育意义,培养了我们的组织能力和团队合作精神,为我们未来的努力做好了准备。 在对所有衣服进行标记和分类后,我们的一些家长帮手将它们送到了伊萨夸的 JBF 拍卖会上。
最终,我们的团队售出了 79 件商品中的 26 件,扣除 JBF 的分成后总共筹集了 121 美元。 尽管数字看起来非常小,但团队对投票率感到非常有成就,特别是考虑到这对我们所有人来说都是一次全新的体验。 在五月的下一次募捐活动中,我们将利用新技能和动力取得更大成功!
Team Participants: Sonia, Angela, Selina